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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Parents' Role in the Formation of Their Adolescent Child's Identity So as not to be Troubled Teenagers

The role of parents in the formation of their adolescent child's identity is of course very important, because the parents is one factor that can help their teenagers to find their identity. 

Identity is very important and needs to be owned by the teenagers. Therefore, when teenagers are looking for their identity needs to be directed toward the good. Don't let them fall and become troubled teenagers. In order for your teenagers children don't become troubled teenagers, you need to provide input to your teenagers. 

There are some things parents can do to help their children to seek and find their identity for their teenagers don't become troubled teenagers. For example, parents need to instill to their teenagers that their teenagers child is someone they loved and very precious to you as their parents. Your teenagers needs to know if they are very important and valuable to you. 

As a parent you also need to direct your children, where they should go, with whom they must interact, how they should act, and how good life for them. As parents, you also need to pay more attention to your teenagers, because it could be your teenagers that looks sweet and nice in front of you while your behind, you get a report that contrary to what you know so far. Parents also need to tell your teenagers that they have certain abilities and strengths. This is where parents serve as the declarant, the respondent, or as a mirror that can tell your teenagers.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Role of Companions for Troubled Teenagers

The role of a friend in a teenagers life is very important. A good friend can influence their friends in a positive direction and not make friends of them become troubled teenagers.
Friend has a function as a comparator, which means the presence in the lives of the teenagers friends, these teenagers will begin to compare themselves with their peers the other.
Friend has a function as a reflector, which means its people who can reflect who we're. Friends can reflect or give a reflection of who we're and how we're. The most important is this adolescent process all the input it to create their own opinion about who they really are. The comments or opinions that they can get from their peers if they mingle with their peers. This is where their friends to give reflection or reflection that indeed he needs.
Friends who serves as an examiner, it means their friends will give their challenges in life.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Early Marriage Causes Troubled Teenagers

Early marriage or married so young troubled teenagers to have an impact severe enough for them, especially if the teenagers are pregnant, the physical side, teenagers aren't yet strong pelvic bones. Pelvic bones were too small to endanger their birth process. Therefore, the government encouraged during pregnancy should be performed at the age of 20 to 30 years. Also in terms of mentally, emotionally they aren't yet stable.

Besides being pregnant outside of marriage, early marriage can also be caused by the paradigm of old parents. Yang believes that adolescent girls who're menstruating should immediately wed. That's all really the wrong paradigm, because a girl who was aged under 20 years of hip bone is still not strong so that it can harm them if they have children under the age of 20 years. Economic problems also become one of the married adolescent girls at an early age. For example, to repay debt or boost the economy that are less family. 

Early marriages that occur in children troubled teenagers like this will eventually lead to bad things. One of them is the high maternal and infant mortality rates, other than that they aren't emotionally mature enough, often lead to family disharmony and eventually result in divorce. That way the kids, or the generation that was born from those less qualified and don't get enough attention from their parents.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Effective Way for Parents to Communicate with Troubled Teenagers who are Depressed

Here is an effective way of communicating that should be parents to their teenagers, for teenagers they don't become troubled teenagers depressed:
1. Opening the door to their hearts, by revealing the expression that allows adolescents to discuss or tell you more about their lives, encourage teenagers to be able to close and pour out their hearts, and the most important thing is to cultivate a sense of accepted and appreciated in children troubled teenagers.
2. Able to actively listen to all that is told by troubled teenagers. Parents should be able to describe the feelings of children properly. That way parents can certainly understand the feelings of their adolescent children, which they send with their verbal and nonverbal language. Benefits of active listening that is, helping children isn't afraid of feeling positive or negative, to develop good relationships with parents, teenagers ease in solving the problems they face, improve the ability of children to listen to the opinions of parents, and increase the sense of responsibility owned by troubled teenagers. 

3. Communicating with empathic, meaning that trying to understand the new first be understood. As a parent, in empathic listening, parents should try to get into the frame of mind and into the feelings of your teenagers. As a parent, not just listen with the ear but should be with the eyes and hearts as well. Our hearts as parents need to feel, understand, and explore the problems being experienced by our teenagers. Therefore we must be able to observe the nonverbal messages expressed by our teenagers. 

So, from now on we as parents need to communicate effectively with our teenagers children who may have been problematic. Don't let our children suddenly becoming depressed because of severe problems that they face without you beside them..

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tips for Parents in Dealing with Troubled Teenagers Depression

Parents who are aware of peculiarities in their teenagers, may be confused when faced with their teenagers. If the symptoms that arise as troubled teenagers who is depressed. Here are tips for parents who have teenagers with problems of depression: 

1. Be gentle to your teenagers, but remain persistent and not easily give in to always give their support. 
2. Give space for your teenagers to breathe, move, and express themselves. Don't expect much less force them to do or be what you want. 
3. Show your affection to them and show that you are always ready to give support to them. 
4. Don't be too much to ask questions that give the impression of patronizing to them. 
5. Not forcing your teenagers to have activities and experiences life the same as when your teenagers first. 
6. Act as a good listener, so that they can feel comfortable with your presence as their parents. 
7. Manage your feelings, so you can feel what they feel, like a sense of sadness that was experienced by them. 
8. Be careful in giving advice, which is more important is that you must keep it so you can always communicate well with your teenagers.
9. If your troubled teenagers to deny that they themselves just fine and no problems whatsoever, but they also don't explain the cause of the behavioral changes they experience, then you must believe in your instincts as a parent. In many cases the denial is a very strong emotional reaction. 
10. When teaching the discipline in your teenagers, not a way to punish and make them ashamed. Replace punishment by helping your teenagers find a good solution. Punishment and shame to make teenagers feel themselves useless. 
11. Let your teenagers make a mistake, attitude overprotektive parent or parents who always took a unilateral decision to make them believe that they don't have the capability. This can lead to reduced confidence in themselves. 
12. If you suspect your teenagers troubled and depressed, take your time to listen to what problems they face, without criticism or judging them. Even if you think that the problem isn't a serious problem, but open communication between parents and children is important, especially when your teenagers child to show symptoms of resistance. 
13. Don't also underestimate what they feel, sometimes teenagers have an excessive reaction to a problem, but parents should try to understand that what they feel is right. 
14. Sometimes teenagers don't seek advice, solutions or how to solve problems they face, they are seeking support and acceptance of it, so whatever happens convinced the teenagers that you will always help and assist them, whenever they need you as a parent or friend.
15. Once your teenagers feel ready to convey their problems to you, don't cut or try to regulate them, just listen to their stories until they are done storytelling. 

If it is a problem that happens is beyond their ability or you, give their advice to deal with these problems then take them to an institution or installation that may help you and them to solve problems being faced by your troubled teenagers. 

You as parents need to pay more attention to your child, your child doesn't fall into troubled teenagers depression.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Psychotherapy for Depression Troubled Teenagers

Solutions for troubled teenagers depression can also be done by way of psychotherapy, because with adolescent psychotherapy helped to find the root of the problems they face, and look at things a little more Objective. Psychotherapy aims to build a way of thought for troubled teenagers depression Objective, always positive minded, rational, and develop strategies and mechanisms for a healthy adaptation in the face of various problems facing them.

Psychotherapy is a process focused on helping troubled teenagers depression heal and deal with problems or issues in their lives. In general, psychotherapy is recommended when someone is having problems with their lives. Most psychotherapy tends to focus on problem solving and goal oriented will be achieved.

There are several therapies that can be done to address adolescent depression, namely:
1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 
2. Psychodinamic Psychoterapy 
3. Interpersonal Psychoterapy 
4. Supportive Therapy

Many factors can affect the success of the therapy. As early as age teens experienced depression, severe depression is being experienced, motivated to get, the quality of a given therapy, parent support, and support those around them.

Solutions for Troubled Teenagers Depression

Teenagers who suffer from depression in dire need of serious help and support from parents, friends, or people who exist in their environment. On the condition of troubled teenagers with depression, attention and involvement of parents and the people around them are very meaningful to them. Parents should be able to more quickly find their teenagers are affected by depression, so that they can provide immediate help for their teenagers. Parents must give serious attention to them, otherwise the risk would be greater.

The longer a person has depression, they will feel their mental endurance of diminishing, increasingly exhausted energy they possessed, and their spirit is depleted, it can all cause they can't think of their future, unable to think positive, can't find hope to get ahead, and much more which can make them become an increasingly unfocused teenagers.

The solution should be performed by the troubled teenagers that depression is a way to try minded and judge people with a positive, dealing with problems that come with excessive stress isn't as thoughtful a moment before sleep, think about the matter at hand, evaluate, and then find the solution that you think true. Maybe that way, would make them more calm in the face of problems, and don'tt be troubled teenagers depression.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Impact of Troubled Teenagers Who Are Depressed

Depression can cause an adverse impact on troubled teenagers who are suffering. In addition to the effects that can harm the patient, depression can also harm the people that surround them. For example, such as disruption of social function, work function, have difficulty concentrating, confuse the people around them, experiencing helplessness, until the act of suicide which can lead to troubled teenagers experiencing the death.

Troubled teenagers, who just locked themselves inside the room, lost their confidence, loss of zest for life within them, the loss of creativity, enthusiasm, and optimism can lead to depression themselves and of course very detrimental to their lives and can damage future them.

Troubled teenagers and depression usually don't want to talk with the people around them, not daring to meet with people a lot, and always negative minded to themselves and to people around them. All that can lead their lives felt very heavy and see all the problems faced is the issue of weight. The danger, they will be a pessimistic view of life as if lost hope for their future and they feel no one can understand them.

Causes of Depression Troubled Teenagerts

Many factors can cause the child to adolescent depression so that they become troubled teenagers. Physical and emotional changes that occur within these troubled teenagers caused by puberty or the other can make young people overcome feelings of uncertainty and fear, which makes them tend to always negative minded. Teenagers are often also vulnerable to negative emotions when they feel rejected by their peers or by their good friends.

Which usually increase their problem is a troubled youth who face the pressures of life for the first time, and they don't have the skills and experience of adults. They are often confused by the circumstances around them and in many cases don't want to seek help. Such conditions are examples that can make teenagers, teenagers who is depressed.

Another example that can lead to troubled teenagers and depression is that if a child experienced unfair treatment from their parents, live in families that aren't harmonious, it will cause emotional shocks that trigger responses that lead to physiological and psychological, troubled adolescent depression. In addition, the events of a stressful life such as school, relationships with parents or friends, work, love, death of parents, disputes with parents, experiencing family violence, and many more which can lead to troubled teenagers become depressed. 

More specifically, depression can also be caused by internal factors that is like, one's mental problems, it's usually hit the people who can't express the problem, they always just swallowed by them, therefore they become depressed because of problems 're facing it.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Characteristics or Symptoms of Depression Troubled Teenagers

The characteristics or symptoms of troubled teenagers who experience depression or stress are as follows: 

1. Often appear sad feeling almost every day.
2. Feeling themselves worthless and excessive guilt.
3. Experiencing insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day.
4. Loss of interest and excitement on almost every activity they do almost every day.
5. The emergence of mind-thoughts of death, recurrent suicidal ideas without any plan or possibly even attempted suicide.
6. The loss of ability to think clearly and concentrate.
7. Decreased interest in all the usual activities they do every day and loss of energy nearly every day and look weak.
8. Body weight has decreased dramatically, while not being to follow a diet program or weight gain are very drastic, too.
9. Looks gloomy in every opportunity.
10. Appetite increased drastically or even dropped dramatically.
11. Always feel insecure.
12. Carry out activities that may damage themselves as teenagers in troubled with drugs, cigarettes, sex, and many more things that can make teenagers become troubled teenagers.
13. Feeling themselves aren't useful for others, many complain, and hopeless.
14. Often cried suddenly without any definite cause.
15. Feeling irritable.
16. The spirit to face the challenges of life is really declining.
17. Expectations about the future immediately vanished.
18. Some believe that there are people who are talking about them and would threaten their lives.
19. Feeling the fear with the people around them.
20. Depressed mood most of the time and almost every day that makes an irritable mood. 

If the characteristics as above you encounter on your teenagers, teenagers are likely to be depressed and troubled teenagers. Depression doesn't only happen when someone is in the adolescent phase, but it's inherited from depression since childhood because of an unpleasant childhood or a bad relationship with parents from childhood until now teenagers.

Understanding Depression Troubled Teenagers

Not only adults, but adolescents are also now many who are depressed. If the depression in teenagers isn't solved, episodes of depression they will continue until they are adults. But the most dangerous is the emergence of suicide ideation or attempt suicide than troubled teenagers. 

Maybe there is of you who don't know what it's depression. Depression is a specific mental disorder that is usually characterized by feelings of sadness, despair, discouragement, guilt, decreased motivation to perform activities, and much more. Now, the depression experienced by many teenagers because teenagers tend to pay attention to the image of her body, vulnerable to experiencing a stressful event, having pressure in adjusting themselves in interacting with others. 

Troubled teenagers who are depressed tend to have feelings of helplessness, the more terdistoris way of thought, the tendency to blame themselves in relation to negative events happening around them. They often feel sad and then later crying, feeling apathetic, insomnia, fatigue and poor appetite. Teenagers who have weight deprei usually have mind-thoughts of suicide and even tried to suicide. 

The troubled teenagers are depressed they usually find it difficult to concentrate in school so it's difficult to increase their value. They often hide or keep their own feelings and cause parents don't realize the problems that occur on their teenages children are troubled.