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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Reasons for Troubled Teenagers with Drug.

Many reasons that teenagers say when they asked, what reason they consume drugs. The reasons for troubled teenagers is the usually give is like:

1. Considered as an adult by everyone, because adolescence is the age of responsibility so that some adults still regard it as an adolescent child, not infrequently they also treat these teenagers as they treat children in general. 

2. Taking drugs because he wanted to try, curiosity and a sense of want to try the teenagers sometimes are larger than adults or children. Actually it's normal that we want to try a new think but when it will try, we must think of a good or bad it's or isn't benefical to our lives.  

3. Consuming because they want to rebel, many teenagers also reasonable taking drugs because they want to rebel, it usually happens because they want out of the norm or the rules given by parents, family, or society around them. They think by taking drugs will be encouraged to dare to do an unlawful act or in accordance with his own will without regard for others. But what actually happens is that they increasingly can't live independently and free again because it was dependent on drugs and had affected his addiction.

4. Eat to escape from the problems that want to deal with while stress usually teenagers want to directly escape from the matter at hand and seek a new athmosphere which they think are fun.The problem of abandoned will not solve the problem, so we went back again, the problem will still exist. 

5. Consuming because the media is indirectly still think drugs were cool, the world of entertainment is still much to broadcast images when using drugs that interesting. It is true if now more and more artists such as singers, musicians, or if ragawan who had repented and anti-drug advertising has been widely disseminated through the mass media. But it turns out in fact there are many artist who stumble drug problem.

so stay away from drugs, don't let you be teenagers in troubled with drugs!


T3chno said...

this blog is full of teenager article..in english too..i really appreciates your skill in english..

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