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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lack of Communication Between Parents and Their Adolescent Children, Make Their Teenagers Children Become Troubled Teenagers.

Communication with family is very important for teenagers, so they don't become troubled teenagers with drugs, free sex, and HIV AIDS. Discussion and communication with family active will be able to anticipate the negative effects of drugs, free sex, and HIV AIDS since this. Therefore we as teenagers have to learn to open themselves to openly communicate with the family.
Communications made by parent to their teenagers children, either verbal on non verbal basically is one important aspect in the process of educations and the formation of the teenagers own personality. If the adolescent communication with parents can be going well, then each party can give and receive opinions, circumstances, and information so that can know what they want from each other and the relationship of conflict or estrangement between parents and their adolescent children can be avoided . 

Openness through this communication will cultivate a sense that teenagers can be appreciated and accepted as human. Conversely if there is no good communication between parents and their adolescent children then it's probable that mental health conditions they encountered resistance, and can make them become troubled teenagers. Especially the most feared, don't let the lack of communication between adolescents with their parents, they become teenagers in troubled with drugs, sex, and HIV AIDS.

Positive Association and The Positive Activities can Avoidance of Influence Teenagers, Troubled Teenagers with Drugs, Sex, and HIV-AIDS

Positive association is necessary for us teenagers who want to avoid things like drugs, sex, and HIV AIDS. Moreover, adolescence is a time where we can be easily influenced by the surrounding environment. If either get along, we could have got into these things and can become troubled teenagers. As a teenagers who is still in the transition phase we should be able to choose a positive social environment that has a positive activity as well. 

Lots of positive activities that young people can do to avoid the things that make them become troubled teenagers. Teenagers are usually still in school age. During the running of education in the school many positive things that teenagers can do to develop their own potential. So what they are doing is useful for them later. For example, with music, following organizations, sports, writing, religious social activities, and many more activities they can do to avoid troubled teenagers with drugs, sex, and HIV AIDS.

Importance Of Understanding Teenagers About Drugs, sex, and HIV / AIDS So As Not To Be Troubled Teenagers.

As a teenagers we must understand exactly the problems that may result from drugs, sex, and HIV / AIDS so that we as teenagers can avoid problems like that and not be troubled teenagers. With a correct understanding about drugs, sex, and HIV-AIDS will lead us to always be careful to be able to avoid all the bad effects caused by drugs, sex, and HIV AIDS. Therefore we need to have a sense of curiosity and always open to information about drugs, sex, and HIV AIDS. For example, in consultation with parents, doctors, and people who have more knowledge about the dangers posed by drugs, sex, and HIV AIDS. You also as teenagers often have more to read about things like this, in the sense that you know the risks you can take if you do things like this that can bring you into troubled teenagers. Maybe with a discussion and a lot of reading, we can be introspective in the face of these things. Because the reading and discussion will add to knowledge and we will be more aware of the dangers that occur when we are dealing with drugs, free sex, and HIV AIDS. Thus many are reading and discussing with people who understand this, hopefully we'll never brought in things that can destroy our future and our nation for the future.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Characteristics of Troubled Teenagers with Drug

Many of the characteristics caused by teenagers who are addicted to drugs such as: 

*Appetite uncertain.
*Dispose of large and small water becomes less smooth. 
*Highly sensitive and fast bored.
*Constipation or abdominal pain without any apparent reason.
*Drastic weight loss.
*Emotions up and down and don't hesitate to hit people or speak harshly againts family mambers or people around them.
*Hands full with red spots, such as mosquito bites and there are signs of incision scars, there are scartches and discoloration of skin at the injection site.
*When reprimanded or scolded, they even showed defiance.
*The eyes appear sunken and red, pale face, and lips blackish.
*Experiencing headache.
*Experiencing pain pain in the joints. 
*Frequent nightmares. 
*Removing the excessive sweating.
*Removing the excess tears.
*Experience heart pounding.
*Street staggered.
*Lazy and often forget about the responsibilities and routine tasks.
*Showing indifference and far from family.
*Often met with persons unknown family, left without saying goodbye, and go home at midnight.
*Like to steal money at home or at school.
*Always run out of money.
*Often lied and broken a promise with a variety of reasons.
*If you want to talk are eye contact. 
*If out of the house was always in secret.
*Hard heads and hard to be advised.
*Often blame bleme others for mistakes that he actually made.
*Not consistent in speaking.
*Is often argued that artificial.
*Frequently tell lies.
*Often threatened, challenged or do things that can cause physical contact or fighting to achieve his wish.
*Rarely want to eat or gather with family.
*Often wearing dark glasses and a hat to cover their eyes glaze.
*Often wearing a jacket to cover the injection site that is in their bodies.
*In schools often out of the classroom and did'n return.
*Motivation to learn to be progressively decreasing. 
*Showing gejalan addiction symptoms.
*Not pay attantion to cleanliness and tidiness themselves.
*Be very strange or contradictory.
*Cycle life is very backwards.

That is part of the features that are usually generated or disclosed by the adolescents in troubled with drugs.
So, consider that there are people around you. Maybe they are one of the teenagers in troubled with drugs.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Deal with Troubled Teenagers with Drug

As parents, aware of their teenagers have problems with drugs is the most painful thing for them. As a parent if your teenagers involved with drugs you should be calm, objective, and control your emotions. Be a good sport and be aware and don't provide all the blame on the teenagers. Drug abuse is usually a symptom of deeply rooted problems or issues that have long existed. Thus the need to be investigated and addressed openly and family. Bring your teenagers to people who are experts in dealing with troubled teenagers with drugs such as rehabilitation centers for example. If your teenagers has been thrown away in the association of drugs should't be hidden because the child would cause the child will increasingly suffer. Don't feel shame if your teenagers drug abuse because anyone can be affected by drugs and certainly no obvious cause behind it and maybe we as parents is one factor that caused it all. Problems with drug-troubled teenagers should be resolved by fine not involve your emotions as a parents, though perhaps this is a heavy blow for you.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Reasons for Troubled Teenagers with Drug.

Many reasons that teenagers say when they asked, what reason they consume drugs. The reasons for troubled teenagers is the usually give is like:

1. Considered as an adult by everyone, because adolescence is the age of responsibility so that some adults still regard it as an adolescent child, not infrequently they also treat these teenagers as they treat children in general. 

2. Taking drugs because he wanted to try, curiosity and a sense of want to try the teenagers sometimes are larger than adults or children. Actually it's normal that we want to try a new think but when it will try, we must think of a good or bad it's or isn't benefical to our lives.  

3. Consuming because they want to rebel, many teenagers also reasonable taking drugs because they want to rebel, it usually happens because they want out of the norm or the rules given by parents, family, or society around them. They think by taking drugs will be encouraged to dare to do an unlawful act or in accordance with his own will without regard for others. But what actually happens is that they increasingly can't live independently and free again because it was dependent on drugs and had affected his addiction.

4. Eat to escape from the problems that want to deal with while stress usually teenagers want to directly escape from the matter at hand and seek a new athmosphere which they think are fun.The problem of abandoned will not solve the problem, so we went back again, the problem will still exist. 

5. Consuming because the media is indirectly still think drugs were cool, the world of entertainment is still much to broadcast images when using drugs that interesting. It is true if now more and more artists such as singers, musicians, or if ragawan who had repented and anti-drug advertising has been widely disseminated through the mass media. But it turns out in fact there are many artist who stumble drug problem.

so stay away from drugs, don't let you be teenagers in troubled with drugs!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Causes of Troubled Teenagers with Stress

Stress that there is now a lot of stress experienced by adolescents. Lost of teenagers in troubled with the stess. Teenagers are usually cheerful familian with the family suddenly become isolating themselves within the family. Most parents prejudice, such as think their children caught in drug cases. But it truns out there are other factors that could make the behavior of teenagers suddenly turned into a closed and isolate themselves from family and their friends.

Stress and tension that goes from day to day may seem more severe than the events we have been through in life. If the major events that lead to adolescent stress, then this happened more because of irregularities or changes in the daily life of teenagers. 

Teenagers in troubled with the stress will be characterized by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, loss of spirit, feeling guilty, slow in thinking, decreased motivation to perform the activity, feeling alone, feeling no one cared, and much more.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Troubled Teenagers with Stress

Many things can make teenagers today attacked by stress. Sometimes the causes adolescents to be stress not unexpected by us all. For example, might be due to an unhealthy relationship with parents, heartbroken, problems with their friends, or it could be because of problems that are common in everyday life.

The more we age, more dan more young people will understand what is happening to him, on others, and on their families. Sometimes things like that, that can make them reflect and don't believe in their self. And it turns out teenagers stress condition which makes them the most troubled teenagers that are created from the family that is not fair. 

The initial phase of the world can be a phase that teenagers can make their stress. All of that is because the teenagers them selves are facing the challenges of growth themselves. Teenagers can go trough and overcome this challenge well, they can grow into healthy adults. However, if they can't pass through their teenagers children becoming problematic.

Monday, September 20, 2010

How To Deal With Troubled Teenagers

Accept what is the unfortunate child was a most difficult stage for parents, but this isn't passable, it's just takes time and patience to get through tough times like these. Maybe then parents can eliminate schock on their taste for a moment, but that didn't mean to be silent forever and let their children fall further. Try to join a group discussion with other parents who have the same fate, or perhaps try to participate in the institutions dealing with children issues. Probably so the parents will be more accepting of the fact that happens to their teenagers.

The most persistent one thing done isn't distancing itself from troubled teenagers is, because they are victims, if they avoided there will be no settlement problems are real, instead they will increasingly fall. Troubled teenagers also don't need punishment, usually when the parents know their teenagers in troubled, they always want to punish him directly, but if the problem adolescents treated hard, they will cover themselves and would no longer open to them.

Adolescence is the age where they met with a sense of ego peak, all of that which ultimately led to the adolescent personality. For parents who have children troubled teenagers, you as parents they should be ready in facing this problem. Although, parenting and raising children who started growing teenagers isn't easy. Parents often find difficulty with the changes of their teenagers children both physically and psychologically. 

When children become troubled teenagers, teenagers doesn't mean that you as parents remain silent, resigned to the events. Through the right approach you will definitely be able to solve the problem adolescent behavior in a way that is relatively better and more effective. 

Role of Parents in Dealing with Troubled Teenagers

The role of parents is very important for their children, especially to give serious attention to them. Parents should pay more attantion to social teenagers, both outside and inside the house. As good parents they should be able to spend their time helping their teenagers to resolve the problem. Parents also should be concerned with whom their teenagers hang out.

We recommend that parents take more attention to their teenagers. Parents should also be able to equip their teenagers with the science of religion that must be carried out, the existing norms should be applied in everyday life, the motivation to make them feel motivated by their parents which can lead to something positive within them, and many more properties or other positive debriefing to parents give their teenagers children so that their teenagers don't become troubled teenagers.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Impact Of Smoking On The Cigarette Troubled Teenagers

No little impact given by the cigarette for people who consume them. Especially for troubled teenagers with a cigarette, which will certainly produce many effects, especially the protential negative effects.

In view of the social aspect, is one example of teenagers would dare to use their school fees money to buy cigarettes, or maybe even they will dare to steal just to buy a cigarette. 

On view in terms of health, smoking can cause negative impacts which would harm for active smokers and passive smokers. In each suction cigarette can cause nicotine and carbon monoxide are very dangerous for both of them especially for the active smoker. All of it can cause a variety of chronic, diseases, such as heart disease, throat cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer, pneunomia, reproductive system disorders, and until death. 

Other hazards that can be caused by cigarettes for adolescents are adolescents who use tobacco will likely be terjermus into worse things like drugs or sex addiction, smokers have lung function is lower compared with those in non-smokers, smoking. It can also reduce the growth of the lungs, smoking can also reduce the performance and endurance for the young teenagers who is active even in sports. 

So many losses incurred from smoking. One of the concerns is the number of smokers increasing from year to year, this means that there is accretion of new smokers every moment that most likely will continue to be active smokers for life. The majority of new smokers among teenagers who come from a troubled teenagers with a cigarette and children who are essentially the successor of our nation.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Troubled Teenagers with HIV/AIDS

Troubled teenagers with HIV / AIDS is one of them caused by free sex is now common in many countries around the world. AIDS is a disease caused by HIV virus (Human Immunodeficiecy Virus) that damage parts of the human immune system (lymphocytes). The virus is multiplying and damaging the immune system lymphocytes, so that people infected with HIV virus would be susceptible to deadly diseases and unusual that would eventually lead to death for the sufferer. 

HIV and AIDS can be spread through sexual contact either heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual contact, such as blood transfusion, repeated use of needles, acupuncture, piercing and tattoos, and the relationship between mother and child as the process of childbirth and breastfeeding.  

HIV and AIDS can't be contracted through chatting, shaking hands, coughing, sneezing, their tears, hugged, kissed her cheek, sweat, food and beverages, cutlery, clothes, towels, pillows, bolsters, bed, use of lavatories with, lived at home with the patient, and swim in the swimming pool is equal to the sufferer. 

Symptoms caused by HIV and AIDS patients are losing weight so drastically, the body feels tired, there are white patches or sores, fever, sweating, especially at night, swollen glands, chills, there is a bluish-red patches on the skin, experiencing shortness of breath and a dry cough that never healed, diarrhea and loose stools. 

Basically, many teenagers who don't know or understand about the dangers of casual sex that have an impact on HIV-AIDS, they basically don't understand about these dangerous diseases. Disease that can lead them into troubled teenagers.

Adolescence is an age where physical and spiritual change. Inside there is also the nature of adolescent curiosity to try a variety of ways, one of them is free sex, which of course can bring them into troubled teenagers with free sex. Can even bring them into troubled teenagers with HIV / AIDS.

Troubled Teenagers with Cigarette

Smoking is a problem that has long graced human life. Maybe most people already know the dangers of smoking for life, but still many people who allowed themselves to continue to addiction with cigarettes. Cigarettes seem to have now become a habit and has become a routine of all societies, ranging from adults, teenagers, even children of all cigarettes consumed.

Average motivation of adolescents to try smoking, the influence of friends, or because of their prestige, if not smoking isn't cool. It seems to adolescent smoking trend today is the social demands of the kids hanging out, especially for young men. Over time, it isn't only young men are addicted to cigarettes but also teenagers girls now have come to consume cigarettes.

Another factor that makes the adolescent smoking is a factor kencanduan environment in which there are active smokers. In addition, adolescents who are lured by advertisements of cigarettes is very tempting with a cool label or style.

Teenagers who have been addicted to cigarettes would be difficult to stop, because there is nicotine in cigarettes, a substance that can cause addiction. Maybe at first they were just experimenting or just cover up the prestige, but in the end they become troubled teenagers. Troubled teenagers with cigarettes and of course will harm their future life.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Troubled Teenagers with Free Sex

Free sex is one of the existing problems among our youth that brings our youth become troubled teenagers. Free sex means sexual relations outside marriage. Free sex tends to be done by teenagers who are affected negatively by their friends aren't good. Teenagers who like to consume more susceptible to drug-free sex, while not denying that adolescents don't consume drugs could also participate in the association free sex fall. Information about the dangers of casual sex is very important for teenagers to be careful with their contemporary society. Free sex is very dangerous for a teenager's life, especially for health and their future. Free sex certainly raises a lot of harm to the perpetrator, there is no useful gain, the profit is certainly a novelty that will eventually plunges us into a new problem. Research on sex in various countries say that adolescents will avoid sex free treatment if they can communicate with their parents talking about sex. That means parents must educate sexuality to their children.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Family Factors That Make Troubled Teenagers with Drugs

Drugs have become a very serious concern in the world. Many young people fall into it, the reason for the involvement of youth into the drug that makes her troubled teenagers, should be viewed in comprehensive, not unilaterally, which means not only questioning the environmental community but also to see their family circumstances and the various elements that exist. 

Family is one factor that can encaurage teenagers falls into drugs. Facts speak not all happy families in them. Many families have their own problems within the family. One of them a lot off messy family relationships characterized by parents who aren't in harmony or death of the communication links exist between family members, which can couse a divorce between their parents. Their parents will be busy with their problems so that they forget their children. Therefore, children have no place to turn to so they can open the door to the valley of the drugs.

The incident could have plunged their young children into the drugs because the condition is unstable. They will more easily fall into the valley of drugs and will certainly make them into troubled teenagers.

As a transition period of adolescence is a time filled with doubts, difficulties, and gejola, either for itself or for teenagers parents. Often, most parents don't understand and don't understand the circumstances of their teenagers children, all of it can lead to misunderstandings between them, between parents and their teenagers. Things like that certainly doesn't help the adolescent through this period with the fair. It can cause many disorders, such as an interruption in drug abuse, juvenile delinquency, and other negative behaviors. All this certainly makes teenagers become troubled teenagers.

Troubled Teenagers with Drugs

Many things can lead to troubled teenagers, one of the drugs. Drugs will make teenagers into troubled teenagers. Most teenagers who fall into drug addiction to smoking stems from. Drugs widely used by people who aren't responsible for plunging the influence or other people to want to have sex.

Not a few people who died in vain because of drugs, especially the teenagers. Although not a few people who died from drugs, but drug users each year isn't reduced, even increased. When used excessive drug addiction will lead to the wearer and will certainly lead to physical and psychological disorders for the wearer.

Dangers of drugs now being attacked anyone, especially teenagers who are still sitting in Junior High School (JHS) and Senior High School (SHS). Drug is very dangerous for the lives of people who wear them because drugs can damage the nerves of their brains, not only that but all the organs of the body they could be affected by drugs and certainly all of them can be life threatening.

Until now, the spread of drugs is almost inevitable. Drug eradication efforts have also often carried out but are still less likely to avoid drugs among adolescents and adults. Until now considered to be an effective way to prevent drug abuse among children, which is their own family. Families, especially their parents are expected to supervise and control their children so as not to fall into the drug. Drugs are a critical issue and also complicated that can't be solved only by an individual alone but everyone must be involved in solving the drug problem that is happening today.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Other Terms Of Troubled Teenagers

In Indonesia, the limitation period of adolescence is the age of 15 to 24 years. The experts suggested that the reasons underlying the behavior of adolescents is associated with the efforts for the development of proof of identity. Results showed that adolescent understanding of the impact of personal and interpersonal sexual behavior that is done should be taken into consideration.
Adolescent emotional closeness with their peers feel closer even a teenagers with emotional closeness with their parents and their families. Troubled teenagers are marked with an inferiority complex that intesitasnya, highly emotionally unstable, difficult to get along, and many more. In troubled teenagers whose names are very vulnerable with cigarettes, booze, drugs such as narcotics, and sex.

Adolescents often test the limits set by their parents. Some adolescents are consistent in most negative attitudes. Teenagers like this certainly raises concerns among parents separate them. Actually, a more logical factors to control or realize their troubled teenagers is certainly their own families, especially their parents.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Parenting and How to Educate Children Less Precise Causes Troubled Teenagers

Most of the children often become what is said by his parents. Expressions of the less educated are sometimes out by accident. This usually happens because their parents are upset by family problems and work but the child doesn't know or don't even want to know.
Some treatments aren't appropriate parents
or adults don't, namely:
1. Very protect and pamper children.
2. Only physical or material satisfaction alone in trying to influence and educate children and giving less satisfaction and inner warmth.
3. Very autocratic control children and children with hard to treat.
4. Showed concern about the future of demonstratively in front of children.

There are parents who have a belief and attitude that their children don't want the troubled or have been, this attitude may arise due to the bitter experience of having experienced by their parents as a child or caused by feelings of guilt for not taking care of their children because of busy they are overactive and hence to meet all your child's request will be luxury goods with the expectation that the child is entertained and shared the love of their parents. But with the actions that the child be a victim overproteksi error resulted in the child's education and not able to achieve personal maturity, lazy to take care of the purposes of his own life, always dependent on others, a child is mentally weak, and have no self initiative or self-esteem because it isn't capable of facing life's difficulties, they many have a serious inner conflicts. Their actions tend to arbitrarily impose the will, and their willingness, egoistic or selfish, and the actions of other unnatural that often conflict with the moral and legal norms. All this makes a child into a troubled teenagers who isn't a healthy adolescents in terms of behavior.